Raise a Request

  • I made the payment without understanding the company’s services. Can I get a refund?

    Your subscription plan payment is refundable in accordance with the company's cancellation and refund policies only. Click here to learn more about the refund policies.

  • Can I get a GST refund?

    You can get a GST refund only if you have updated your GST information in your portal.

  • I am not satisfied with the company’s services. What should I do?  

    We request you to contact us on +91-97251-65565  between 10 AM and 5 PM - Monday to Saturday (only on business days), to discuss your concerns. We will make every effort to provide you with appropriate solutions.

  • I accidentally made multiple payments. What should I do? Am I eligible for a refund?

    If a customer makes more than one payment, they are eligible for a refund. To request a refund, the customer must submit a request through the raise a request section within 48 hours, or call the company's registered mobile number.

  • What if I buy membership/subscription from multiple companies that belong to your group of companies? Am I eligible to get a refund?

    If a customer buys subscriptions or membership plans from multiple companies that belong to our group of companies, they are liable to get a refund. To request a refund, the customer must submit a request through the raise a request section within 48 hours or call the company's registered mobile number.

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